Sunday School
The Mar Thoma Sunday School Samajam started in 1905. Our Parish Sunday School began in 1956.
The Sunday School year is January-December. We follow the Sunday School Samajam curriculum in English. The classes are held between the 1st and the 2nd Worship Service on Sunday, i.e. 8.45 AM – 9.45 AM. There is Sunday school at 10 AM at JP Nagar.
The Annual Examination in November followed by several competitions for different age groups, e.g. singing, elocution, story telling, etc. A combined Sunday School Camp of all the Mar Thoma Churches in Bangalore is generally held during October-November by the Bangalore Centre Sunday School. As a part of Ecumenical initiative our Parish and the CSI East Parade Malayalam Congregation hold Annual Vacation Bible School (VBS) generally during April-May. Contact: Head Master for further details and volunteering opportunities including teaching